Toller Porcorum Village Hall is a Registered Charity (No. 203182) run by a management committee whose members are trustees of the organisation. A Committee comprising Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer is elected. Other trustees are primarily, representatives of local organisations that make extensive use of the hall. These include The Parish Council, Parochial Church Council, WI, Short Mat Bowls, Allotments, Home Watch and Mah-Jong.

The aim of the Charity as stated in our Constitution is the provision and maintenance of the Village Hall for the use of, principally, the residents of the Parish of Toller Porcorum without distinction of political, religious, or other opinions, including use for meetings, lectures and classes, and for other forms of recreation and leisure time occupation, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said residents.

The Management Committee meets quarterly with occasional additional meetings to address specific issues if necessary. The Committee elects its officers at its AGM, namely, Treasurer, Secretary, and Chair who are then asked to serve the Community for, at least, the forthcoming year.  The AGM is usually held in April.  Please find below the links to the Approved Minutes from recent meetings:

If you wish to contact the trustees, please use the contact form or email the secretary.

AGM Minutes


Management Committee Minutes



